neděle 27. července 2008


typical and thank to the same named Pixar movie world-wide known south French dish. But first, what does the word "ratatouille" mean? The name is comprised of two components: "rata" is slang from the French Army meaning "chunky stew" (mega bordel/chlastačka a vše dohromady..); and touiller means "to stir".



  • tomatoes (the main ingredient)
  • onion, chopped
  • garlic, minced
  • eggplant, diced
  • zucchini, diced into large chunks
  • herbs as desired (try basil)
  • olive oil (enough to sauté onion/garlic)
  • salt and pepper...


Sauté the onion and garlic until tender. Add eggplant and tomatoes, bring to simmer. Simmer, covered for 15 minutes. Add zucchini. Simmer for 10-15 more minutes until vegetables are suitably soft. Remove from heat. Stir in the herbs, season to taste.

ENJOY! I have to say I love it...

3 komentáře:

  1. hoja.... sestro..fakt bych chtel rict ze i kdy to nekdy nedam ,najevo tak si proste moje SESTRA-- - - celkem mi chybis a to ze ses tebou celkove nebavim tak to je tim ze o me vis asi nejvic ze vsech...takova moje trochu pretvarka.... uprimne ti zavidim zivotek ve francii..¨mej se pekne bratr

  2. bratre, dekuju; hlavne za tu nocni uprimnost...
    A nejen ke dnesnimu dni (k narozeninam) Ti preju at se mas bajecne, spokojene a stastne. At se Ti dari - stale!
