čtvrtek 10. července 2008

+ - Globalizace

Cotton grows best in a hot dry climate, but requires a lot of water. In countries like Egypt, Pakistan and the centeral Asian republics of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan cotton is a major export crop. And growing it is leading to serious water problems. The Aral Sea has shrunk and is in danger of disappearing altogether. The big Indus has become a trickle. The intensively irrigated fields are becoming salty which will lead to desertification of the land. All of this is due in a large part of cotton growing.
The cotton needed to make just one T-shirt requires 1 170 liters of water (more than a tonne!). So next time you'll buy a T-shirt just remember that that T_shirt is taking a part of the world's water problem. And try to have some shirt made from a hemp ;-) (it doesn't need as demanding climate and care)

(inspired by Michael Norton's article)

2 komentáře:

  1. když bavlněný trika jsou prima...

    p.s.: to je ověřenej fakt s tou vodou nebo nás taháš za nos?
